(AOIT) provides students with the necessary academia to excel at a post-secondary institution and prepare them to compete in the global job market with emphasis in the use of technology.
AOIT students may choose to pursue a program of study in Digital Design, Web and Multimedia Design or Technology Support Services. The AOIT academy is certified as a “Model” academy by the National Career Academy Coalition and the National Academy Foundation.
The academy offers student’s industry certification in Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Flash, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) in Computer Assembly & Repair, Networking, and Security. Dual Enrollment and Career Pathways agreements with local universities provide students with an opportunity to earn college credit while in high school. Students in the academy interact with business and community leaders through classroom presentations, job shadows, mentor-ships, internships, and on the-job- training. Students in the AOIT Academy operate the Eagle’s Nest School Supply Store.
Information Technology
Advertising Marketing Executive Game Designer and Developer
Animation & Special Effects Designer Graphic Artist/Digital Designer
Audio/Video Editor Internet Service Technician
Computer Information Administrator Magazine/Newspaper Layout Artist
Computer Service Technician Network Communication Technician
Computer Network Administrator Network Security Specialist
E-Commerce Entrepreneur Small Business Entrepreneur
Electronic Page Layout Specialist Web Designer/Web Master
Participation in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) in an integral part of the curriculum. Students participate in workshops provided by industry and post secondary partners as well as attend field trips to various businesses in the community. Academy students also compete in district, state, and national competitions.